Monster List

Monsters are, in general, are not very useful. They also do not thank you for not killing them and inducting them into your party. Most deserve to be killed or removed from your party. They only whine anyway when you do remove them, so why keep them? To see what they whine about, check out the "Brave Faith" page which is also in the FFT section of this site. The fact that they can't progress through the job classes like your characters can make them very limited in their usefulness. Some have specific useful abilities, while others are really not worth getting. However, the monsters you get in the quests are probably the most useful.

A note for the abilities: any ability with a star (*) by it denotes that the ability only appears when a character with the support ability "Monster Skill" is nearby.

Chocobos have a number of special properties. First, by moving a human character into the space the Chocobo is occupying, you can have that character ride the Chocobo. However, this prevents the Chocobo from using any of its special abilities. Also, special attacks such as Choco Ball and Choco Meteor are more powerful than you would expect from these monsters. A chocobo feather is left behind upon death.

- Enormous bird. Cannot fly since its wings have degenerated. Bred for transportation due to its high running power.
Move: 6
Jump: 5
Physical Evasion Rate: 15%
- Counter ability
- Move in water

Choco Attack
Attacks enemies with giant beak.
Range: 1, Vertical 2
Effect: 1
Choco Cure
Recover HP by flapping wings.
Range: Auto
Effect: 2, Vertical 2
*Choco Esuna
Heals abnormal status with purifying wings.
Range: Auto
Effect: 2, Vertical 2
Cancel: Petrify, Darkness, Silence, Poison, Stop, Don't Move, Don't Act
Black Chocobo
- Enormous bird. Bred for transportation due to its high running power. The only Chocobo that can fly.
Move: 6
Jump: 5
Physical Evasion Rate: 25%
- Counter ability
- Fly
- Move in water

Choco Attack
Attacks enemies with giant beak.
Range: 1, Vertical 2
Effect: 1
Choco Ball
Attacks by throwing a hidden ball.
Range: 4
Effect: 1
Choco Esuna
Heals abnormal status with purifying wings.
Range: Auto
Effect: 2, Vertical 2
Cancel: Petrify, Darkness, Silence, Poison, Stop, Don't Move, Don't Act
*Choco Meteor
Attacks enemy with a small meteor.
Range: 5
Effect: 1
Red Chocobo
- Enormous bird. Cannot fly since its wings have degenerated. Known to be the best kind of transportation Chocobo.
Move: 6
Jump: 5
Physical Evasion Rate: 10%
- Counter ability
- Ignore height
- Move in water

Choco Attack
Attacks enemies with giant beak.
Range: 1, Vertical 2
Effect: 1
Choco Ball
Attacks by throwing a hidden ball.
Range: 4
Effect: 1
Choco Meteor
Attacks enemy with a small meteor.
Range: 5
Effect: 1
*Choco Cure
Recover HP by flapping wings.
Range: Auto
Effect: 2, Vertical 2

Goblins are probably the weakest of the monsters, and they don't move very far. They are limited to short range punching attacks, and a couple of status anomaly attacks.

- Small demon with big ears and an upturned nose. Small body but quite strong.
Move: 3
Jump: 3
Physical Evasion Rate: 18%
- Counter ability
- Ice weakness

Attacks enemy by tackling.
Range: 1, Vertical 2
Effect: 1
Eye Gouge
Blinds the enemy by attacking its eyes.
Range: 1, Vertical 2
Effect: 1
Add: Darkness
*Goblin Punch
Attacks enemy by beating them to death.
Range: 1, Vertical 1
Effect: 1
Black Goblin
- Same description and properties as the Goblin.
Move: 3
Jump: 3
Physical Evasion Rate: 19%

Attacks enemy by tackling.
Range: 1, Vertical 2
Effect: 1
Turn Punch
Attacks enemy by punching from 4 directions.
Range: Auto
Effect: 2, Vertical 1
*Goblin Punch
Attacks enemy by beating them to death.
Range: 1, Vertical 1
Effect: 1
- Same description and properties as the Goblin and Black Goblin.
Move: 3
Jump: 3
Physical Evasion Rate: 20%

Attacks enemy by tackling.
Range: 1, Vertical 2
Effect: 1
Eye Gouge
Blinds the enemy by attacking its eyes.
Range: 1, Vertical 2
Effect: 1
Add: Darkness
Goblin Punch
Attacks enemy by beating them to death.
Range: 1, Vertical 1
Effect: 1
Steals enemy's HP by sucking their blood.
Range: 1, Vertical 0
Effect: 1

Red Panthers
Red Panthers are more mobile than Goblins, but are also generally limited to short range attacks. However, the Vampire's Blaster and Blood Suck abilities can be very useful, and can turn the tide of a battle. A skull is left behind upon death.

Red Panther
- Four legged creature who attacks with sharp fangs and quick moves. Causes abnormal status with its venom.
Move: 4
Jump: 4
Physical Evasion Rate: 23%
- Counter ability
- Ignore height
- Cannot enter water
- Earth weakness

Attacks enemy with sharp nails.
Range: 1, Vertical 3
Effect: 1
Poison Nail
Uses poison to make enemy sick.
Range: 1, Vertical 2
Effect: 1
Add: Poison
*Cat Kick
Attacks enemy by kicking.
Range: 1, Vertical 2
Effect: 1
- Same description and properties as the Red Panther.
Move: 4
Jump: 4
Physical Evasion Rate: 26%

Attacks enemy with sharp nails.
Range: 1, Vertical 3
Effect: 1
Cat Kick
Attacks enemy by kicking.
Range: 1, Vertical 2
Effect: 1
Poison Nail
Uses poison to make enemy sick.
Range: 1, Vertical 2
Effect: 1
Add: Poison
Attacks enemy by emitting shining energy.
Range: 3
Effect: 1
Add: Petrify, Stop
- Same description and properties as the Red Panther and Cuar.
Move: 4
Jump: 4
Physical Evasion Rate: 24%

Attacks enemy with sharp nails.
Range: 1, Vertical 3
Effect: 1
Cat Kick
Attacks enemy by kicking.
Range: 1, Vertical 2
Effect: 1
Attacks enemy by emitting shining energy.
Range: 3
Effect: 1
Add: Petrify, Stop
*Blood Suck
Recovers HP by sucking enemy's blood.
Range: 1, Vertical 0
Effect: 1
Add: Blood Suck

Bombs can be useful in plenty of specific situations. These monsters become certainly devastating at higher levels, particularly when self-destructing. Also, their myriad of elemental properties make them useful against enemies that use elemental attacks. Bombs leave a flaming fragment upon death.

- Monster covered with fire. Its body fluid is highly flammable, like oil.
Move: 3
Jump: 3
Physical Evasion Rate: 10%
- Counter ability
- Float
- Cannot enter water
- Fire absorb
- Earth cancel
- Ice half
- Water weakness

Attacks enemy by biting.
Range: 1, Vertical 2
Effect: 1
Self Destruct
Damages enemies by self-destruction.
Range: Auto
Effect: 3, Vertical 3
Add: Oil
*Small Bomb
Attacks enemy by shooting Kobomb.
Range: 1, Vertical 0
Effect: 1
- Same description and properties as the Bomb.
Move: 3
Jump: 3
Physical Evasion Rate: 11%

Attacks enemy by biting.
Range: 1, Vertical 2
Effect: 1
Small Bomb
Attacks enemy by shooting Kobomb.
Range: 1, Vertical 0
Effect: 1
Self Destruct
Damages enemies by self-destruction.
Range: Auto
Effect: 3, Vertical 3
Add: Oil
*Flame Attack
Attacks enemy with flame.
Range: 3
Effect: 1
Fire elemental
- Same description and properties as the Bomb and Grenade.
Move: 3
Jump: 3
Physical Evasion Rate: 12%

Attacks enemy by biting.
Range: 1, Vertical 2
Effect: 1
Self Destruct
Damages enemies by self-destruction.
Range: Auto
Effect: 3, Vertical 3
Add: Oil
Attacks enemy by throwing flame.
Range: Auto
Effect: 3, Vertical 1
Fire elemental
*Small Bomb
Damages by self-explosion, releases a small bomb.
Range: 1, Vertical 0
Effect: 1

Skeletons are really not very useful. First, they are undead, so they can't be cured or revived by any means. Also, their attacks, while element-based, are still weak and too small in range to be as useful as other abilities found in monsters. Skeletons may recover a little to all of their hit points and revive upon final death, or they may be destroyed.

- Undead warrior in skeletal form. Recovers periodically even when HP hits 0.
Move: 3
Jump: 4
Physical Evasion Rate: 11%
- Counter ability
- Darkness absorb
- Fire, holy weakness

Knife Hand
Chops with bony hands.
Range: 1, Vertical 2
Effect: 1
Thunder Soul
Attacks enemy by releasing thunder spirit.
Range: 3
Effect: 1
Lightning elemental
*Aqua Soul
Attacks enemy by releasing water spirit.
Range: 3
Effect: 1
Water elemental
Bone Snatch
- Same description and properties as the Skeleton.
Move: 3
Jump: 4
Physical Evasion Rate: 12%

Knife Hand
Chops with bony hands.
Range: 1, Vertical 2
Effect: 1
Aqua Soul
Attacks enemy by releasing water spirit.
Range: 3
Effect: 1
Water elemental
*Ice Soul
Attacks enemy by releasing ice spirit.
Range: 3
Effect: 1
Ice elemental
Living Bone
- Same description, properties and Skeleton and Bone Snatch.
Move: 3
Jump: 4
Physical Evasion Rate: 13%

Knife Hand
Chops with bony hands.
Range: 1, Vertical 2
Effect: 1
Ice Soul
Attacks enemy by releasing ice spirit.
Range: 3
Effect: 1
Ice elemental
*Wind Soul
Attacks enemy by releasing wind spirit.
Range: 3
Effect: 1
Wind elemental

Like the skeleton, the Ghoul is undead and can't be healed or revived. However, their ability to Teleport and inflict various abnormal status upon your enemies makes them more useful. But, they are still weak and not very practical for battle. Ghouls leave an empty shirt upon death.

- Floating ghost that never dies. Possesses enemies with its touch, causing abnormal status.
Move: 4
Jump: 4
Physical Evasion Rate: 26%
- Teleport, counter abilities
- Float
- Cannot enter water
- Darkness absorb
- Fire, holy weakness

Throw Spirit
Attack with the core of mystery.
Range: 3
Effect: 1
Sleep Touch
Possesses enemies by touch, making them fall asleep.
Range: 1, Vertical 2
Effect: 1
Add: Sleep
*Grease Touch
Covers enemies in oil, increasing fire damage.
Range: 1, Vertical 2
Effect: 1
Add: Oil
- Same description and properties as the Ghoul.
Move: 4
Jump: 4
Physical Evasion Rate: 27%

Throw Spirit
Attack with the core of mystery.
Range: 3
Effect: 1
Grease Touch
Covers enemies in oil, increasing fire damage.
Range: 1, Vertical 2
Effect: 1
Add: Oil
*Drain Touch
Possesses enemies by touch, absorbing their energy.
Range: 1, Vertical 2
Effect: 1
- Same description, abilities as Gust and Ghoul.
Move: 5
Jump: 4
Physical Evasion Rate: 28%

Throw Spirit
Attack with the core of mystery.
Range: 3
Effect: 1
Drain Touch
Possesses enemies by touch, absorbing their energy.
Range: 1, Vertical 2
Effect: 1
*Zombie Touch
Possesses enemies by touch, making them undead.
Range: 1, Vertical 2
Effect: 1
Add: Undead

Ahrimans are physically weak and have little hit points, but they are very mobile and have some debilitating special abilities. These abilities are all based on powers of the eye, and have effects ranging from reduced Bravery to Death Sentence. Ahrimans leave a portion of their wing upon death.

- Huge cycloptic monster that attacks with strange eye power.
Move: 5
Jump: 5
Physical Evasion Rate: 12%
- Counter ability
- Fly
- Cannot enter water
- Wind half
- Ice weakness

Wing Attack
Attacks enemy with flapping wings.
Range: 1, Vertical 2
Effect: 1
*Look of Fright
Powerful gaze discourages you.
Range: 3
Effect: 1
- Same description and properties as the Flotiball.
Move: 5
Jump: 5
Physical Evasion Rate: 13%

Wing Attack
Attacks enemy with flapping wings.
Range: 1, Vertical 2
Effect: 1
Look of Devil
Powerful gaze causes abnormal status.
Range: 3
Effect: 1
Add: Petrify, Darkness, Silence, Don't Move, Don't Act
Look of Fright
Powerful gaze discourages you.
Range: 3
Effect: 1
*Death Sentence
Eye power perceives enemy's life span and hastens death.
Range: 3
Effect: 1
Add: Death Sentence
- Same description and properties as the Flotiball and Ahriman.
Move: 5
Jump: 5
Physical Evasion Rate: 11%

Wing Attack
Attacks enemy with flapping wings.
Range: 1, Vertical 2
Effect: 1
Look of Devil
Powerful gaze causes abnormal status.
Range: 3
Effect: 1
Add: Petrify, Darkness, Silence, Don't Move, Don't Act
Death Sentence
Eye power perceives enemy's life span and hastens death.
Range: 3
Effect: 1
Add: Death Sentence
Powerful gaze nullifies your magic, lowering magic attack.
Range: 4
Effect: 1

Pisco Demons
The lower level Pisco Demons are rather useless, since they have limited abilities and are weak physically. However, Mindflares have a couple of rather useful abilities, particularly Mind Blast. This ability is definitely good for controlling multiple enemies.

Pisco Demon
- Slimy mollusk-like monster with human exterior appearing quite intelligent, but no skeleton.
Move: 3
Jump: 3
Physical Evasion Rate: 8%
- Counter ability
- Move under water
- Water absorb
- Lightning weakness

Attacks enemies by using tentacles as a whip.
Range: 1, Vertical 2
Effect: 1
*Black Ink
Blinds enemies by spitting black ink.
Range: 2 (4 directions)
Effect: 1
Add: Darkness
- Same description and properties as the Pisco Demon.
Move: 3
Jump: 3
Physical Evasion Rate: 9%

Attacks enemies by using tentacles as a whip.
Range: 1, Vertical 2
Effect: 1
Black Ink
Blinds enemies by spitting black ink.
Range: 2 (4 directions)
Effect: 1
Add: Darkness
Odd Soundwave
Heals abnormal status by emitting mysterious sonic waves.
Range: Auto
Effect: 3, Vertical 1
Cancel: Float, Reraise, Transparent, Regen, Protect, Shell, Haste, Faith, Reflect
*Mind Blast
Confuses target and destroys its mental health.
Range: 3
Effect: 2, Vertical 1
Add: Confusion, Berserk
- Same description and properties as the Pisco Demon and Squidlarkin.
Move: 3
Jump: 3
Physical Evasion Rate: 10%

Attacks enemies by using tentacles as a whip.
Range: 1, Vertical 2
Effect: 1
Black Ink
Blinds enemies by spitting black ink.
Range: 2 (4 directions)
Effect: 1
Add: Darkness
Mind Blast
Confuses target and destroys its mental health.
Range: 3
Effect: 2, Vertical 1
Add: Confusion, Berserk
*Level Blast
Steals part of one's soul, decreasing one level.
Range: 4
Effect: 1

The Juravis bird is suprisingly strong and mobile. It can fly over enemies and allies alike, and it also has a good range of doing so. Do not underestimate their physical attack power, and beware of the Cocatoris, for it can petrify virtually at will. Juravis leave a few bird feathers upon death.

- Bird monster with sharp beak and huge wings. Flying ability is quite high, but it usually walks.
Move: 6
Jump: 6
Physical Evasion Rate: 30%
- Counter ability
- Fly
- Cannot enter water
- Wind half
- Earth weakness

Scratch Up
Attacks enemy by jumping and scratching with toe nails.
Range: 1, Vertical 2
Effect: 1
*Feather Bomb
Attacks enemy by dropping feather bomb on their head.
Range: 3
Effect: 1
Steel Hawk
- Same description and properties as the Juravis.
Move: 6
Jump: 6
Physical Evasion Rate: 28%

Scratch Up
Attacks enemy by jumping and scratching with toe nails.
Range: 1, Vertical 2
Effect: 1
Shine Lover
Get some shiny gil.
Range: 1, Vertical 1
Effect: 1 enemy
Petrifies enemy by pecking at their weak point.
Range: 1, Vertical 0
Effect: 1
Add: Petrify
- Same description and properties as the Juravis and Steel Hawk.
Move: 6
Jump: 6
Physical Evasion Rate: 33%

Scratch Up
Attacks enemy by jumping and scratching with toe nails.
Range: 1, Vertical 2
Effect: 1
Petrifies enemy by pecking at their weak point.
Range: 1, Vertical 0
Effect: 1
Add: Petrify
Feather Bomb
Attacks enemy by dropping feather bomb on their head.
Range: 3
Effect: 1
Uses this special technique to lower physical attack power.
Range: 1, Vertical 1
Effect: 1

Bull Demons
Bull Demons have plenty of hit points and physical attack strength, even at lower levels. They have a pickaxe, which is used for most of their attacks, some of which can be quite powerful. The Minitaurus and Sacred both also have hidden fire elemental abilities. Bull Demons leave a skull with horns upon death.

Bull Demon
- Monster with a bull's head and a human body. It draws powerful attacks.
Move: 3
Jump: 3
Physical Evasion Rate: 11%
- Counter ability
- Cannot enter water
- Water weakness

Shake Off
Attacks enemy with a pickaxe.
Range: 1, Vertical 2
Effect: 1
*Gather Power
Absorbs energy of the earth, raising physical attack power.
Range: Auto
Effect: 1
- Same description and properties as the Bull Demon.
Move: 4
Jump: 3
Physical Evasion Rate: 15%

Shake Off
Attacks enemy with a pickaxe.
Range: 1, Vertical 2
Effect: 1
Wave Around
Attacks enemy by swinging a pickaxe.
Range: Auto
Effect: 2, Vertical 1
*Blow Fire
Attacks enemy by exhaling fire.
Range: 2 (4 directions)
Effect: 1
Fire elemental
- Same description and properties as the Bull Demon and Minitaurus.
Move: 3
Jump: 3
Physical Evasion Rate: 12%

Shake Off
Attacks enemy with a pickaxe.
Range: 1, Vertical 2
Effect: 1
Mimic Titan
Attacks enemy by stomping and sending shockwaves.
Range: Auto
Effect: 3, Vertical 1
Earth Elemental
Gather Power
Absorbs energy of the earth, raising physical attack power.
Range: Auto
Effect: 1
*Blow Fire
Attacks enemy by exhaling fire.
Range: 2 (4 directions)
Effect: 1
Fire elemental

Morbols are disgusting plant-like creatures. They have no evasion rate for physical attacks, but they are rather strong physically, have plenty of HP, and have various other debiliatating attacks. Morbols leave behind some tentacles and goo upon death. (You should recognize these from the previous installments of the Final Fantasy series: Marlboro and Ochu)

- Monster that eats anything with a huge mouth. Its sticky body fluid emits a foul smell. Move: 3
Jump: 3
Physical Evasion Rate: 0%
- Counter ability
- Move on water
- Ice weakness

Attacks enemy by swinging filthy tentacles.
Range: 1, Vertical 1
Effect: 1
Creates invisible wall out of spit to reflect magic.
Range: 1, Vertical 0
Effect: 1
Add: Reflect
*Bad Bracelet
Causes abnormal status with a bad breath.
Range: Auto
Effect: 3, Vertical 0
Add: Petrify, Darkness, Confusion, Silence, Oil, Frog, Poison, Sleep
- Same description and properties as the Morbol.
Move: 3
Jump: 3
Physical Evasion Rate: 0%

Attacks enemy by swinging filthy tentacles.
Range: 1, Vertical 1
Effect: 1
Spits fluid over enemy to immobilize them.
Range: 1, Vertical 1
Effect: 1
Add: Don't Move
Creates invisible wall out of spit to reflect magic.
Range: 1, Vertical 0
Effect: 1
Add: Reflect
Great Morbol
- Same description and properties as the Morbol and Ochu.
Move: 3
Jump: 3
Physical Evasion Rate: 0%

Attacks enemy by swinging filthy tentacles.
Range: 1, Vertical 1
Effect: 1
Bad Bracelet
Causes abnormal status with a bad breath.
Range: Auto
Effect: 3, Vertical 0
Add: Petrify, Darkness, Confusion, Silence, Oil, Frog, Poison, Sleep
*Moldball Virus
Infects enemy with morbol germ making them a morbol.
Range: 1, Vertical 0
Effect: 1

Woodmen are not very useful. They have a tough time evading physical attack, and they have no really powerful physical attack either. They could only really be effectively used in a support role. Woodmen leave behind a part of a tree trunk upon death.

- Tree with a mind from spiritual powers dwelling in plants. Spirits of the leaves have great powers.
Move: 3
Jump: 3
Physical Evasion Rate: 0%
- Counter ability
- Cannot enter water
- Earth absorb
- Fire weakness

Leaf Dance
Attacks enemy by dropping tree leaves.
Range: Auto
Effect: 2, Vertical 0
*Protect Spirit
Raise defense level against physical attack with help of tree-spirit.
Range: Auto
Effect: 2, Vertical 0
Add: Protect
- Same description and properties as the Woodman.
Move: 3
Jump: 3
Physical Evasion Rate: 0%

Leaf Dance
Attacks enemy by dropping tree leaves.
Range: Auto
Effect: 2, Vertical 0
Spirit of Life
Recover HP with help of tree-spirit.
Range: Auto
Effect: 2, Vertical 0
*Clam Spirit
Raise defense level against magic attack with help of tree-spirit.
Range: Auto
Effect: 2, Vertical 0
Add: Shell
- Same description and properties as the Woodman and Trent.
Move: 3
Jump: 3
Physical Evasion Rate: 0%

Leaf Dance
Attacks enemy by dropping tree leaves.
Range: Auto
Effect: 2, Vertical 0
Protect Spirit
Raise defense level against physical attack with help of tree-spirit.
Range: Auto
Effect: 2, Vertical 0
Add: Protect
Clam Spirit
Raise defense level against magic attack with help of tree-spirit.
Range: Auto
Effect: 2, Vertical 0
Add: Shell
*Magic Spirit
Recover MP with help of tree-spirit.
Range: Auto
Effect: 2, Vertical 0

Dragons are large, scaly creatures with small wings, four legs, and a tail. They have a good movement rate, and are rather powerful physically. An added bonus to the more advanced classes is that they can use elemental attacks. A dragon wing is left upon death.

- Huge monster with a scaly body. It has wings but can't fly. Ferocious, but not intelligent.
Move: 5
Jump: 3
Physical Evasion Rate: 5%
- Counter ability
- Cannot enter water

Damages enemy by tackling.
Range: 1, Vertical 2
Effect: 1
*Tail Swing
Attacks enemy with bushy tail.
Range: 1, Vertical 2
Effect: 1
Blue Dragon
- Same description and properties as the Dragon.
Move: 5
Jump: 3
Physical Evasion Rate: 9%

Damages enemy by tackling.
Range: 1, Vertical 2
Effect: 1
Ice Bracelet
Attacks enemy with arctic breath.
Range: 2 (4 directions)
Effect: 1
Ice elemental
*Thnder Brcelet
Attacks enemy with thunder breath.
Range: 2 (4 directions)
Effect: 1
Lightning elemental
Red Dragon
- Same description and properties as the Dragon and Blue Dragon.
Move: 5
Jump: 3
Physical Evasion Rate: 8%

Damages enemy by tackling.
Range: 1, Vertical 2
Effect: 1
Thnder Brcelet
Attacks enemy with thunder breath.
Range: 2 (4 directions)
Effect: 1
Lightning elemental
*Fire Bracelet
Attacks enemy with fire breath.
Range: 2 (4 directions)
Effect: 1
Fire elemental

Behemoths may already seem powerful enough, but their hidden powers are brought out by Monster Skill. You may already have seen some of these new abilities used on you by some of the Archaic or Ultima Demons you have fought. Behemoths leave a fragment of their tail upon death.

- Ferocious hoofed monster with large horns, a brilliant mane, a thick tail, and a strong body.
Move: 4
Jump: 3
Physical Evasion Rate: 13%
- Counter ability
- Cannot enter water

Stab Up
Strikes enemy with horns.
Range: 1, Vertical 2
Effect: 1
Sudden Cry
Attacks enemy with rushing thrust.
Range: 1, Vertical 0
Effect: 1
Add: Dead
*Giga Flare
Attacks enemies pouring a high-energy stream over them.
Range: 4
Effect: 3, Vertical 0
King Behemoth
- Same description and properties as the Behemoth. Move: 4
Jump: 3
Physical Evasion Rate: 13%

Stab Up
Strikes enemy with horns.
Range: 1, Vertical 2
Effect: 1
Sudden Cry
Attacks enemy with rushing thrust.
Range: 1, Vertical 0
Effect: 1
Add: Dead
Damage all enemies with a tornado.
Range: 4
Effect: 3, Vertical 2
Wind elemental
Dark Behemoth
- Same description and properties as the Behemoth and King Behemoth.
Move: 4
Jump: 3
Physical Evasion Rate: 18%

Stab Up
Strikes enemy with horns.
Range: 1, Vertical 2
Effect: 1
Sudden Cry
Attacks enemy with rushing thrust.
Range: 1, Vertical 0
Effect: 1
Add: Dead
Damage enemies with time-space mechanism created by the stars.
Range: 4
Effect: 3, Vertical 1

While this class of monster is certainly fearsome to face in battle, they are not quite as useful as the Behemoth or Dragon on your side. The Tiamat's hidden Dark Whisper ability is quite useful, though. Usually, very high level monsters in this class will max out their HP at 999, so if you need some tanks, this is the way to go. Hyudras leave behind three skulls upon death.

- Three headed monster. Can fly, despite its massive body. The 3 heads have the same mind.
Move: 4
Jump: 4
Physical Evasion Rate: 0%
- Counter ability
- Fly
- Cannot enter water
- Ice, wind weakness

Triple Attack
3 head attack independently.
Range: 1
Effect: 3 panels [that the heads are facing]
*Triple Brcelet
3 heads attack enemy with various breath.
Range: 2 (4 directions)
Effect: 2 (3 directions)
- Same description and properties as the Hyudra.
Move: 4
Jump: 4
Physical Evasion Rate: 0%

Triple Attack
3 head attack independently.
Range: 1
Effect: 3 panels
Triple Flame
Each of 3 heads attack by summoning fire spirit.
Range: 4
Effect: 2, Vertical 0
Fire elemental
*Triple Thunder
Each of 3 heads attack by summoning thunder spirit.
Range: 4
Effect: 2, Vertical 0
Lightning elemental
- Same description and properties as the Hyudra and Hydra.
Move: 4
Jump: 4
Physical Evasion Rate: 0%

Triple Brcelet
3 heads attack enemy with various breath.
Range: 2 (4 directions)
Effect: 2 (3 directions)
Triple Thunder
Each of 3 heads attack by summoning thunder spirit.
Range: 4
Effect: 2, Vertical 0
Lightning elemental
Triple Flame
Each of 3 heads attack by summoning fire spirit.
Range: 4
Effect: 2, Vertical 0
Fire elemental
*Dark Whisper
Each of 3 heads attack by summoning spirit of darkness.
Range: 4
Effect: 2, Vertical 0
Darkness elemental
Add: Dead, Sleep

This class of monster is really quite useless; however, a couple of useful abilities are Oink and Nose Bracelet, but the most interesting is the Wildbow's hidden Please Eat skill. Since Wildbows are so hard to come by, it may be too frustrating to use.

- Monster that looks like a cute boar. But, it walks on two legs.
Move: 3
Jump: 3
Physical Evasion Rate: 42%
- Counter ability
- Cannot enter water

Straight Dash
Run like hell and tackle enemy.
Range: 1, Vertical 0
Effect: 1
Raise dead unit with incredible cry and recover HP.
Range: 1, Vertical 1
Effect: 1
Cancel: Dead
- Same description and properties as the Uribo.
Move: 3
Jump: 3
Physical Evasion Rate: 36%

Straight Dash
Run like hell and tackle enemy.
Range: 1, Vertical 0
Effect: 1
Heavy scent causes abnormal status.
Range: 1, Vertical 1
Effect: 1
Add: Confusion, Sleep
*Nose Bracelet
Charm enemy with major nose breathing.
Range: 1, Vertical 1
Effect: 1 enemy
Add: Charm
- Same description and properties as the Uribo and Porky.
Move: 3
Jump: 3
Physical Evasion Rate: 39%

Straight Dash
Run like hell and tackle enemy.
Range: 1, Vertical 0
Effect: 1
Nose Bracelet
Charm enemy with major nose breathing.
Range: 1, Vertical 1
Effect: 1 enemy
Add: Charm
*Please Eat
The ultimate altrustic act.
Range: 1, Vertical 1
Effect: 1
[This is blank, but it actually sacrifices the Wildbow, and the target gains a level.]

You will find these monsters on various side quests in the game. They have unique abilities, but as with the others, they don't have the versatility of humans.

Holy Dragon (Reis)
- Holy dragon transformed from a Lancer. Defeats enemies with physical attacks using his massive body and breath.
Move: 5
Jump: 3
Physical Evasion Rate: 5%

- Breath:
Ice Bracelet
Attacks enemy with arctic breath.
Range: 2 (4 directions)
Effect: 1
Ice elemental
Fire Bracelet
Attacks enemy with fire breath.
Range: 2 (4 directions)
Effect: 1
Fire elemental
Thnder Bracelet
Attacks enemy with thunder breath.
Range: 2 (4 directions)
Effect: 1
Lightning elemental

- Joins your party at last level of Deep Dungeon, "END"
- Monster with sharp nails and huge horns. Stands on two legs with a long, slender tail. Move: 3
Jump: 6
Physical Evasion Rate: 33%
- Counter ability
- Ignore height
- Cannot enter water
- Poach

- Byblos:
Recover twice as much HP as one's own.
Range: 4
Effect: 1
Negative power causes abnormal status.
Range: 4
Effect: 1
Add: Petrify, Darkness, Confusion, Silence, Oil, Frog, Poison, Sleep
The more damage taken, the greater the damage dealt.
Range: 5, Vertical 3
Effect: 1
Makes target's MP value become the amount of damage dealt to enemies.
Range: 5, Vertical 3
Effect: 1

Steel Giant (Worker 8)
- A taciturn general operation robot from a lost civilization. Follows commands dutifully.
Move: 3
Jump: 3
Physical Evasion Rate: 0%
- Counter ability
- Cannot enter water
- Any ground
- Any weather

Steel Giants always have the status ailment of "Innocent". Using Work skills damage the robot. More damage is dealt to the robot when it uses stronger attacks.

- Work:
Top priority command. Destroys its target.
Range: 1, Vertical 2
Effect: 1
[Receives 1/8 of damage dealt.]
Top priority command. Compresses its target.
Range: 1, Vertical 2
Effect: 1
Add: Dead
[Receives 1/6 of damage dealt.]
Team work command. Disposes of all enemies at once.
Range: 8
Effect: 1
[Receives 1/4 of damage dealt.]
Special work command. Crushes target.
[Receives 1/4 of damage dealt.]