Enemy List

Final Fantasy III (DS)
Enemy Guide
Creator: GCNzach (Zach 'Darko' Long)

Table of Contents

I.   Introduction
II.  Version History
III. Enemy List
   A. Normal Enemies
   B. Bosses
IV.  Legal Information
V.   Contact Me
VI.  Credits

I. Introduction

Welcome to the Final Fantasy III Enemy Guide. The purpose of this guide is to
provide extensive information on each and every enemy that appears in the game.
The information that will be provided includes enemy level, HP, Gil dropped,
experience drop, weakness, attack, defense, location, and


#1 Goblin

Level: 1

HP: 7 (Hit Points, obviously)
Gil: 10 (How much Gil they drop)
EXP: 1 (How much base experience you earn)
Weakness: None (Deals more damage if same element is used against the enemy)
Att: 6 (Attack Power)
Def: 6 (Defense Power)
Location: Alter Cave (Where you will most likely find the enemy)
Drops: Potion, Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down (Note: The drops are listed in order
of probability)

Corrections are welcome and encouraged as is constructive criticism. Please
contact me if any of the locations are wrong or can be more specific.

IMPORTANT NOTE: If Phoenix Down is listed towards the end of the drop list,
it is an EXTREMELY rare drop. So don't get your hopes up.

ALSO NOTE: The enemies are listed in order of storyline, with a few

II. Version History

Version 1.0 - 226/226 enemies completed. Guide completed.

Version 1.1 - Some locations updated.

Version 1.2 - Five more locations updated.

III. Enemy List

A. Normal Enemies

#1 Goblin

Level: 1

HP: 7
Gil: 10
EXP: 1
Weakness: None
Att: 6
Def: 6
Location: Alter Cave
Drops: Potion, Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down

#2 Carbuncle

Level: 1

HP: 10
Gil: 5
EXP: 2
Weakness: None
Att: 6
Def: 6
Location: Altar Cave
Drops: Potion, Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down

#3 Eye Fang

Level: 1

HP: 11
Gil: 7
EXP: 3
Weakness: None
Att: 7
Def: 6
Location: Altar Cave
Drops: Potion, Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down

#4 Blue Whisp

Level: 1

HP: 14
Gil: 10
EXP: 4
Weakness: None
Att: 7
Def: 6
Location: Altar Cave
Drops: Potion, Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down

#5 Killer Bee

Level: 2

HP: 18
Gil: 12
EXP: 12
Weakness: Wind
Att: 8
Def: 6
Location: Outside Altar Cave
Drops: Eye Drops, Antidote

#6 Werewolf

Level: 3

HP: 24
Gil: 14
EXP: 12
Weakness: None
Att: 9
Def: 6
Location: Outside Altar Cave
Drops: Potion, Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down

#7 Berserker

Level: 4

HP: 28
Gil: 22
EXP: 14
Weakness: None
Att: 11
Def: 6
Location: Desert area outsidide Kazus
Drops: Potion, Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down

#8 Red Whisp

Level: 5

HP: 39
Gil: 18
EXP: 70
Weakness: Light
Att: 12
Def: 10
Location: Sealed Cave
Drops: Potion, Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down

#9 Dark Eye

Level: 5

HP: 43
Gil: 20
EXP: 95
Weakness: Light
Att: 12
Def: 10
Location: Sealed Cave
Drops: Potion, Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down

#10 Zombie

Level: 6

HP: 47
Gil: 22
EXP: 100
Weakness: Light
Att: 14
Def: 10
Location: Sealed Cave
Drops: Potion, Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down

#11 Mummy

Level: 6

HP: 52
Gil: 24
EXP: 100
Weakness: Light
Att: 15
Def: 10
Location: Sealed Cave
Drops: Potion, Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down

#12 Skeleton

Level: 6

HP: 57
Gil: 26
EXP: 105
Weakness: Light
Att: 14
Def: 10
Location: Sealed Cave
Drops: Potion, Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down

#13 Cursed Copper

Level: 6

HP: 42
Gil: 52
EXP: 105
Weakness: Light
Att: 14
Def: 10
Location: Sealed Cave
Drops: Potion, Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down

#14 Larva

Level: 6

HP: 44
Gil: 30
EXP: 120
Weakness: Light
Att: 15
Def: 10
Location: Sealed Cave
Drops: Potion, Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down

#15 Shadow

Level: 7

HP: 66
Gil: 32
EXP: 120
Weakness: Light
Att: 15
Def: 10
Location: Sealed Cave
Drops: Potion, Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down

#16 Revenant

Level: 7

HP: 70
Gil: 34
EXP: 130
Weakness: Light
Att: 14
Def: 10
Location: Sealed Cave
Drops: Eye Drops, Antidote

#17 Firefly

Level: 9

HP: 92
Gil: 36
EXP: 130
Weakness: Ice, Wind
Att: 17
Def: 15
Location: Dragon's Peak
Drops: Potion, Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down

#18 Helldiver

Level: 8

HP: 120
Gil: 38
EXP: 38
Weakness: Wind
Att: 17
Def: 15
Location: Dragon's Peak
Drops: Gold Needle

#19 Rust Bird

Level: 9

HP: 135
Gil: 40
EXP: 150
Weakness: Wind
Att: 18
Def: 15
Location: Dragon's Peak
Drops: Phoenix Down

#20 Rukh

Level: 9

HP: 155
Gil: 42
EXP: 150
Weakness: Wind
Att: 19
Def: 15
Location: Dragon's Peak
Drops: Potion, Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down

#21 Basilisk

Level: 9

HP: 100
Gil: 44
EXP: 150
Weakness: None
Att: 18
Def: 15
Location: Desert by Kazus
Drops: Potion, Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down

#22 Bugbear

Level: 9

HP: 110
Gil: 46
EXP: 180 
Weakness: None
Att: 20
Def: 15
Location: Forests outside Kazus
Drops: Potion, Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down

#23 Mandrake

Level: 9

HP: 120
Gil: 48
EXP: 180
Weakness: Fire
Att: 19
Def: 15
Location: Forests outside Kazus
Drops: Potion, Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down

#24 Leprechaun

Level: 9

HP: 142
Gil: 52
EXP: 200
Weakness: None
Att: 16
Def: 15
Location: Tozus Tunnel
Drops: Potion, Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down

#25 Darkface

Level: 9

HP: 168
Gil: 53
EXP: 200
Weakness: None
Att: 16
Def: 15
Location: Tozus Tunnel
Drops: Potion, Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down

#26 Petit

Level: 9

HP: 153
Gil: 54
EXP: 200
Weakness: None
Att: 15
Def: 15
Location: Nepto Temple
Drops: Gold Needle

#27 Poison Bat

Level: 9

HP: 98
Gil: 56
EXP: 220
Weakness: Wind
Att: 15
Def: 15
Location: Nepto Temple
Drops: Eye Drops, Antidote

#28 Lilliputian

Level: 10

HP: 118
Gil: 58
EXP: 229
Weakness: None
Att: 17
Def: 15
Location: Nepto Temple
Drops: Potion, High-Potion, Phoenix Down

#29 Wererat

Level: 10

HP: 130
Gil: 60
EXP: 220
Weakness: None
Att: 18
Def: 15
Location: Nepto Temple
Drops: Potion, High-Potion, Phoenix Down

#30 Blood Worm

Level: 11

HP: 165
Gil: 62
EXP: 240
Weakness: None
Att: 22
Def: 15
Location: Nepto Temple
Drops: Potion, Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down

#31 Killer Fish

Level: 13

HP: 135
Gil: 64
EXP: 240
Weakness: Lightning
Att: 22
Def: 16
Location: Sea near Nepto Temple
Drops: Potion, Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down

#32 Hermit

Level: 13

HP: 173
Gil: 66
EXP: 240
Weakness: Lightning
Att: 22
Def: 16
Location: Sea near Nepto Temple
Drops: Potion, Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down

#33 Sea Elemental

Level: 12

HP: 155
Gil: 67
EXP: 250
Weakness: Lightning
Att: 22
Def: 16
Location: Sea near Nepto Temple
Drops: Potion, Antarctic Wind, Bacchus's Cider, Arctic Wind

#34 Tangie

Level: 13

HP: 225
Gil: 68
EXP: 250
Weakness: Lightning
Att: 24
Def: 16
Location: Sea near Nepto Temple
Drops: Potion, Bomb Fragment, Antarctic Wind, Zeus's Wrath, Silence Seal,
Tranquilizer, Angel's Sigh

#35 Sahagin

Level: 13

HP: 190
Gil: 70
EXP: 150
Weakness: Lightning
Att: 22
Def: 16
Location: Sea by Nepto Temple
Drops: Potion, Antarctic Wind, Bacchus's Cider, Arctic Wind

#36 Parademon

Level: 16

HP: 245
Gil: 72
EXP: 270
Weakness: Fire
Att: 27
Def: 16
Location: Sea by Nepto temple; Plains in South Floating Continent
Drops: Wooden Arrow, Holy Arrow, Iron Arrow, Ice Arrow, Light Arrow, Fire
Arrow, Medusa Arrow, Yoichi Arrow

#37 Griffon

Level: 6

HP: 230
Gil: 40
EXP: 130
Weakness: Wind
Att: 15
Def: 16
Location: Castle Sasune (West tower)
Drops: Potion, Bomb Fragment, Antarctic Wind, Zeus's Wrath, Silence Seal,
Tranquilizer, Angel's Sigh

#38 Lynx

Level: 16

HP: 265
Gil: 76
EXP: 270
Weakness: None
Att: 27
Def: 16
Location: Plains outside Castle Sasune
Drops: Potion, High-Potion, Phoenix Down

#39 Hornet

Level: 15

HP: 260
Gil: 78
EXP: 300
Weakness: Wind
Att: 25
Def: 16
Location: Forests outside Castle Sasune
Drops: Eye Drops, Antidote

#40 Knocker

Level: 13

HP: 131
Gil: 80
EXP: 300
Weakness: None
Att: 23
Def: 16
Location: Plains near Castle Sasune
Drops: Potion, Zeus's Wrath, Angel's Sigh, Shell Breaker, Heavenly Wrath

#41 Flyer

Level: 12

HP: 139
Gil: 82
EXP: 300
Weakness: Wind
Att: 23
Def: 16
Location: Desert area; Floating Continent
Drops: Potion, Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down

#42 Lizardman

Level: 12

HP: 155
Gil: 84
EXP: 320
Weakness: Lightning
Att: 24
Def: 16
Location: Plains; Floating Continent
Drops: Potion, Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down

#43 Gorgon

Level: 13

HP: 145
Gil: 86
EXP: 320
Weakness: None
Att: 24
Def: 16
Location: Desert area; Floating Continent
Drops: Potion, Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down

#44 Red Cap

Level: 18

HP: 252
Gil: 87
EXP: 320
Weakness: None
Att: 24
Def: 16
Location: Plains; Floating Continent
Drops: Potion, Zeus's Wrath, Angel's Sigh, Shell Breaker, Heavenly Wrath

#45 Barometz

Level: 18

HP: 264
Gil: 88
EXP: 320
Weakness: Fire
Att: 31
Def: 16
Location: Forest areal Floating Continent
Drops: Potion, Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down

#46 Slime

Level: 17

HP: 240
Gil: 90
EXP: 330
Weakness: Fire
Att: 28
Def: 16
Location: Forest area; Floating Continent
Drops: Potion, Bomb Fragment, Antarctic Wind, Zeus's Wrath, Silence Seal,
Tranquilizer, Angel's Sigh

#47 Tarantula

Level: 18

HP: 240
Gil: 92
EXP: 330
Weakness: Fire
Att: 31
Def: 16
Location: Forest areal Floating Continent
Drops: Potion, Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down

#48 Cuphgel

Level: 18

HP: 240
Gil: 94
EXP: 360
Weakness: None
Att: 31
Def: 16
Location: Desert area; Floating Continent
Drops: Potion, Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down

#49 Pugman

Level: 14

HP: 171
Gil: 96
EXP: 360
Weakness: None
Att: 27
Def: 17
Location: Tower of Owen
Drops: Potion, Maiden's Kiss, Echo Herbs, Mallet, Hi-Potion

#50 Far Darrig

Level: 14

HP: 177
Gil: 98
EXP: 360
Weakness: None
Att: 25
Def: 17
Location: Tower of Owen
Drops: Potion, Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down

#51 Blood Bat

Level: 14

HP: 208
Gil: 100
EXP: 380
Weakness: Wind
Att: 27
Def: 17
Location: Tower of Owen
Drops: Potion, Madien's Kiss, Echo Herbs, Mallet, Hi-Potion

#52 Petit Mage

Level: 13

HP: 196
Gil: 101
EXP: 380
Weakness: None
Att: 23
Def: 17
Location: Tower of Owen
Drops: Gold Needle

#53 Fury

Level: 16

HP: 216
Gil: 102
EXP: 380
Weakness: Wind
Att: 29
Def: 17
Location: Tower of Owen
Drops: Potion, Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down

#54 Aughisky

Level: 15

HP: 235
Gil: 105
EXP: 400
Weakness: None
Att: 28
Def: 17
Location: Tower of Owen
Drops: Potion, Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down

#55 Bomb

Level: 16

HP: 315
Gil: 110
EXP: 400
Weakness: Ice, Water
Att: 31
Def: 19
Location: Subterranean Lake
Drops: Hi-Potion, Bomb Arm, Tranquilizer, Silence Seal, Lilith's Kiss

#56 Manticore

Level: 17

HP: 375
Gil: 112
EXP: 400
Weakness: None
Att: 32
Def: 19
Location: Subterranean Lake
Drops: Gold Needle

#57 Stalagmite

Level: 17

HP: 284
Gil: 115
EXP: 400
Weakness: None
Att: 30
Def: 19
Location: Subterranean Lake
Drops: Gold Needle

#58 Sea Devil

Level: 17

HP: 339
Gil: 116
EXP: 450
Weakness: Lightning
Att: 31
Def: 19
Location: Subterranean Lake
Drops: Potion, Antarctic Wind, Bacchus's Cider, Arctic Wind

#59 Merman

Level: 17

HP: 345
Gil: 118
EXP: 450
Weakness: Lightning
Att: 31
Def: 19
Location: Subterranean Lake
Drops: Potion, Antarctic Wind, Bacchus's Cider, Arctic Wind

#60 Ruinous Wave

Level: 16

HP: 296
Gil: 120
EXP: 450
Weakness: Lightning
Att: 30
Def: 19
Location: Subterranean Lake
Drops: Potion, Antarctic Wind, Bacchus's Cider, Arctic Wind

#61 Balloon

Level: 18

HP: 386
Gil: 125
EXP: 450
Weakness: Ice, Water
Att: 33
Def: 19
Location: Molten Cave
Drops: Hi-Potion, Bomb Arm, Tranquilizer, Silence Seal, Lilith's Kiss

#62 Myrmecoleon

Level: 19

HP: 494
Gil: 130
EXP: 500
Weakness: None
Att: 35
Def: 19
Location: Molten Cave
Drops: Gold Needle

#63 Crocotta

Level: 19

HP: 500
Gil: 135
EXP: 500
Weakness: Ice, Water
Att: 35
Def: 19
Location: Molten Cave
Drops: Potion, Bomb Fragment, Sheep Pillow, Lamia Scale, Bomb Arm

#64 Adamantoise

Level: 21

HP: 800
Gil: 270
EXP: 700
Weakness: Ice, Water
Att: 40
Def: 19
Location: Molten Cave
Drops: Potion, Antarctic Wind, Bacchus's Cider, Arctic Wind

#65 Red Marshmallow

Level: 18

HP: 510
Gil: 140
EXP: 500
Weakness: Ice, Water
Att: 34
Def: 19
Location: Molten Cave
Drops: Potion, Bomb Fragment, Sheep Pillow, Lamia Scale, Bomb Arm

#66 Pharaoh

Level: 20

HP: 580
Gil: 145
EXP: 600
Weakness: Light
Att: 41
Def: 19
Location: Hein's Castle
Drops: Eye Drops, Antidote

#67 Lemur

Level: 19

HP: 752
Gil: 150
EXP: 600
Weakness: Light
Att: 38
Def: 19
Location: Hein's Castle
Drops: Potion, Bomb Fragment, Antarctic Wind, Zeus's Wrath, Silence Seal,
Tranquilizer, Angel's Sigh

#68 Lamia

Level: 23

HP: 850
Gil: 310
EXP: 840
Weakness: None
Att: 44
Def: 19
Location: Hein's Castle
Drops: Potion, Bomb Fragment, Antarctic Wind, Zeus's Wrath, Silence Seal,
Tranquilizer, Angel's Sigh

#69 Demon

Level: 23

HP: 742
Gil: 316
EXP: 1008
Weakness: Light
Att: 45
Def: 19
Location: Hein's Castle
Drops: Wooden Arrow, Holy Arrow, Iron Arrow, Ice Arrow, Light Arrow, Fire
Arrow, Medusa Arrow, Yoichi Arrow

#70 Dullahan

Level: 23

HP: 1000
Gil: 320
EXP: 1008
Weakness: None
Att: 48
Def: 19
Location: Hein's Castle
Drops: Potion, Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down

#71 Anet

Level: 14

HP: 268
Gil: 100
EXP: 400
Weakness: Lightning
Att: 25
Def: 19
Location: Outer sea; Floating Continent
Drops: Potion, Antarctic Wind, Bacchus's Cider, Arctic Wind

#72 Mermaid

Level: 15

HP: 364
Gil: 123
EXP: 450
Weakness: Lightning
Att: 25
Def: 19
Location: Outer sea; Floating Continent
Drops: Potion, Antarctic Wind, Bacchus's Cider, Arctic Wind

#73 Seahorse

Level: 14

HP: 278
Gil: 119
EXP: 450
Weakness: Lightning
Att: 25
Def: 19
Location: Outer sea; Floating Continent
Drops: Potion, Antarctic Wind, Bacchus's Cider, Arctic Wind

#74 Sea Serpent

Level: 17

HP: 530
Gil: 530
EXP: 450
Weakness: Lightning
Att: 30
Def: 19
Location: Outer sea; Floating Continent
Drops: Potion, Antarctic Wind, Bacchus's Cider, Arctic Wind

#75 Cockatrice

Level: 20

HP: 890
Gil: 185
EXP: 800
Weakness: None
Att: 44
Def: 19
Location: Cave of Tides
Drops: Gold Needle

#76 Poison Toad

Level: 19

HP: 800
Gil: 190
EXP: 900
Weakness: Lightning
Att: 40
Def: 19
Location: Cave of Tides
Drops: Potion, Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down

#77 Twin Heads

Level: 19 

HP: 910
Gil: 195
EXP: 900
Weakness: None
Att: 42
Def: 19
Location: Cave of Tides
Drops: Potion, Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down

#78 Roper

Level: 20

HP: 815
Gil: 200
EXP: 900
Weakness: Lightning
Att: 43
Def: 19
Location: Cave of Tides
Drops: Potion, Bomb Arm, Arctic Wind, Heavenly Wrath, Lamia Scale, Bacchus's
Cider, Turtle Shell, Earthen Drum

#79 Agaliarept

Level: 21

HP: 930
Gil: 210
EXP: 1000
Weakness: Lightning
Att: 45
Def: 19
Location: Cave of Tides
Drops: Potion, Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down

#80 Darklegs

Level: 22

HP: 940
Gil: 220
EXP: 1000
Weakness: Fire
Att: 41
Def: 20
Location: Amur Sewers
Drops: Potion, Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down

#81 Gigantoad

Level: 20

HP: 838
Gil: 230
EXP: 1000
Weakness: Lightning
Att: 41
Def: 20
Location: Amur Sewers
Drops: Potion, Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down

#82 Twin Liger

Level: 22

HP: 960
Gil: 240
EXP: 1100
Weakness: None
Att: 43
Def: 20
Location: Amur
Drops: Potion, Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down

#83 Stroper

Level: 21

HP: 1100
Gil: 250
EXP: 1100
Weakness: Lightning
Att: 41
Def: 20
Location: Amur Sewers
Drops: Potion, Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down

#84 Black Flan

Level: 22

HP: 880
Gil: 260
EXP: 1100
Weakness: Fire
Att: 44
Def: 20
Location: Forest Area; Surface World
Drops: Potion, Bomb Arm, Arctic Wind, Heavenly Wrath, Lamia Scale, Baccus's
Cider, Turtle Shell, Earthen Drum

#85 Hellgaroo

Level: 22

HP: 888
Gil: 270
EXP: 1250
Weakness: None
Att: 44
Def: 20
Location: Plains; Surface World
Drops: Potion, Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down

#86 Vulcan

Level: 26

HP: 2200
Gil: 560
EXP: 1750
Weakness: Ice, Water
Att: 50
Def: 20
Location: Desert area; Surface World
Drops: Hi-Potion, Bomb Arm, Tranquilizer, Silence Seal, Lilith's Kiss

#87 Dracrocotta

Level: 23

HP: 1050
Gil: 290
EXP: 1250
Weakness: Ice, Water
Att: 44
Def: 20
Location: Desert area, Surface World
Drops: Potion, Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down

#88 Magician

Level: 23

HP: 1040
Gil: 300
EXP: 1400
Weakness: None
Att: 43
Def: 20
Location: Forest area; Surface World
Drops: Hi-Potion, Heavenly Wrath, Tranquilizer, Shining Curtain, Chocobo's
Wrath, Black Musk

#89 Lost Gold

Level: 23

HP: 928
Gil: 310
EXP: 1400
Weakness: None
Att: 38
Def: 22
Location: Goldor's Manor
Drops: Gold Needle

#90 Gold Eagle

Level: 23

HP: 935
Gil: 320
EXP: 1400
Weakness: Wind
Att: 43
Def: 22
Location: Goldor's Manor
Drops: Gold Needle

#91 Gold Warrior

Level: 24

HP: 1130
Gil: 330
EXP: 1500
Weakness: None
Att: 47
Def: 22
Location: Goldor's Manor
Drops: Gold Needle

#92 Gold Bear

Level: 24

HP: 1090
Gil: 340
EXP: 1500
Weakness: None
Att: 49
Def: 22
Location: Goldor's Manor
Drops: Gold Needle

#93 Gold Knight

Level: 25

HP: 1100
Gil: 350
EXP: 1500
Weakness: None
Att: 48
Def: 22
Location: Goldor's Manor
Drops: Gold Needle

#94 Nightmare

Level: 25

HP: 1120
Gil: 360
EXP: 1900
Weakness: None
Att: 48
Def: 22
Location: Goldor's Manor
Drops: Gold Needle

#95 Hellgaroo Mage

Level: 25

HP: 1093
Gil: 370
EXP: 1400
Weakness: None
Att: 49
Def: 22
Location: Plains; Surface World
Drops: Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down

#96 Needle Monkey

Level: 25

HP: 1100
Gil: 380
EXP: 1400
Weakness: None
Att: 48
Def: 22
Location: Forest area; Surface World
Drops: Hi-Potion, Black Hole, Lilith's Kiss, Raven's Yawn, Shining Curtain,
Shell Breaker, Black Musk, Chocobo's Wrath

#97 Catoblepas

Level: 26

HP: 1260
Gil: 390
EXP: 1600
Weakness: None
Att: 54
Def: 22
Location: Desert area; Surface World; Dragon's Spire

#98 Sorceror

Level: 26

HP: 1270
Gil: 400
EXP: 1600
Weakness: None
Att: 51
Def: 22
Location: Forest area; Surface World
Drops: Hi-Potion, Arctic Wind, Turtle Shell, Black Hole, Raven's Yawn

#99 Sand Worm

Level: 26

HP: 1290
Gil: 420
EXP: 1920
Weakness: None
Att: 53
Def: 22
Location: Desert area, Surface World; Dragon's Spire
Drops: Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down

#100 Frost Fly

Level: 28

HP: 1200
Gil: 430
EXP: 1920
Weakness: Fire, Wind
Att: 54
Def: 23
Location: Desert area; Surface World
Drops: Hi-Potion, Arctic Wind, Turtle Shell, Black Hole, Raven's Yawn

#101 Simurgh

Level: 28

HP: 1220
Gil: 450
EXP: 2080
Weakness: Wind
Att: 55
Def: 23
Location: Sky area; Surface World
Drops: Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down

#102 Harpy

Level: 30

HP: 1650
Gil: 460
EXP: 2080
Weakness: Wind
Att: 56
Def: 23
Location: Sky area; Surface World
Drops: Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down

#103 Gargoyle

Level: 28

HP: 1240
Gil: 470
EXP: 2400
Weakness: Wind
Att: 56
Def: 23
Location: Forest/Air by Doga's Manor
Drops: Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down

#104 Chimera

Level: 28

HP: 1250
Gil: 475
EXP: 2400
Weakness: None
Att: 57
Def: 23
Location: Air along path below Doga's Manor
Drops: Gold Needle

#105 Demon Horse

Level: 29

HP: 710
Gil: 480
EXP: 2640
Weakness: None
Att: 36
Def: 23
Location: Cave of the Circle
Drops: Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down

#106 Rock Gargoyle

Level: 29

HP: 720
Gil: 490
EXP: 2640
Weakness: Wind
Att: 36
Def: 23
Location: Cave of the Circle
Drops: Hi-Potion, Bomb Arm, Tranquilizer, Silence Seal, Lilith's Kiss

#107 Bovian

Level: 29

HP: 730
Gil: 500
EXP: 2640
Weakness: None
Att: 36
Def: 23
Location: Cave of the Circle
Drops: Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down

#108 Dread Knight

Level: 29

HP: 740
Gil: 510
EXP: 2880
Weakness: None
Att: 36
Def: 23
Location: Cave of the Circle
Drops: Potion, Bomb Arm, Arctic Wind, Heavenly Wrath, Lamia Scale, Bacchus's
Cider, Turtle Shell, Earthen Drum

#109 Abtu

Level: 29

HP: 1128
Gil: 550
EXP: 2880
Weakness: Lightning
Att: 54
Def: 24
Location: Underwater; Surface World
Drops: Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down

#110 Sea Dragon

Level: 27

HP: 2550
Gil: 1120
EXP: 4680
Weakness: Lightning
Att: 57
Def: 24
Location: Sea; Surface World
Drops: Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down

#111 Kagura

Level: 29

HP: 1143
Gil: 580
EXP: 3120
Weakness: Lightning
Att: 54
Def: 24
Location: Underwater; Surface World
Drops: Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down

#112 Charybdis

Level: 30

HP: 1350
Gil: 600
EXP: 3120
Weakness: Lightning
Att: 57
Def: 24
Location: Underwater; Surface World
Drops: Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down

#113 Dozmare

Level: 31

HP: 1650
Gil: 780
EXP: 4400
Weakness: Wind
Att: 58
Def: 24
Location: Sunken Cave
Drops: Hi-Potion; Phoenix Down

#114 Sea Witch

Level: 31

HP: 1660
Gil: 820
EXP: 4800
Weakness: Lightning
Att: 58
Def: 24
Location: Sunken Cave
Drops: Hi-Potion, Arctic Wind, Turtle Shell, Black Hole, Raven's Yawn

#115 Killer Hermit

Level: 31

HP: 1680
Gil: 820
EXP: 4800
Weakness: Lightning
Att: 59
Def: 24
Location: Sunken Cave
Drops: Hi-Potion, Arctic Wind, Turtle Shell, Black Hole, Raven's Yawn

#116 Ologhai

Level: 30

HP: 1415
Gil: 840
EXP: 4800
Weakness: Lightning
Att: 58
Def: 24
Location: Sunken Cave
Drops: Hi-Potion, Arctic Wind, Turtle Shell, Black Hole, Raven's Yawn

#117 Kelpie

Level: 30

HP: 1420
Gil: 850
EXP: 5600
Weakness: Lightning
Att: 58
Def: 24
Location: Sunken Cave
Drops: Hi-Potion, Arctic Wind, Turtle Shell, Black Hole, Raven's Yawn

#118 Aegir

Level: 31

HP: 1740
Gil: 860
EXP: 5600
Weakness: Lightning 
Att: 58
Def: 24
Location: Sunken Cave
Drops: Hi-Potion, Arctic Wind, Turtle Shell, Black Hole, Raven's Yawn

#119 Kyklops

Level: 32

HP: 1580
Gil: 720
EXP: 4000
Weakness: None
Att: 66
Def: 24
Location: Saronia Catacombs
Drops: Hi-Potion, Heavenly Wrath, Tranquilizer, Shining Curtain, Chocobo's
Wrath, Black Musk

#120 Flyer Mage

Level: 28

HP: 680
Gil: 520
EXP: 2880
Weakness: Wind
Att: 36
Def: 23
Location: Cave of the Circle
Drops: Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down

#121 Noggle

Level: 30

HP: 1210
Gil: 540
EXP: 2880
Weakness: Lightning
Att: 56
Def: 24
Location: Underwater; Surface World
Drops: Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down

#122 Boss Troll

Level: 32

HP: 1600
Gil: 740
EXP: 4000
Weakness: None
Att: 66
Def: 24
Location: Saraonia Catacombs
Drops: Hi-Potion, Arctic Winds, Turtle Shell, Black Hole, Raven's Yawn

#123 Fachan

Level: 32

HP: 1620
Gil: 745
EXP: 5600
Weakness: None
Att: 65
Def: 24
Location: Saronia Catacombs
Drops: Hi-Potion, Bomb Arm, Tranquilizer, Silence Seal, Lilith's Kiss

#124 Cenchos

Level: 32

HP: 4000
Gil: 1500
EXP: 6600
Weakness: Lightning
Att: 69
Def: 24
Location: Saronia Catacombs
Drops: Hi-Potion, Arctic Winds, Turtle Shell, Black Hole, Raven's Yawn

#125 Balor

Level: 32

HP: 1660
Gil: 760
EXP: 4400
Weakness: None
Att: 65
Def: 24
Location: Saronia Catacombs
Drops: Hi-Potion, Arctic Winds, Turtle Shell, Black Hole, Raven's Yawn

#126 Dira

Level: 32

HP: 5000
Gil: 610
EXP: 3280
Weakness: Wind
Att: 73
Def: 25
Location: Temple of Time
Drops: Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down

#127 Chimera Mage

Level: 33

HP: 1540
Gil: 615
EXP: 3280
Weakness: None
Att: 69
Def: 25
Location: Temple of Time
Drops: Gold Needle

NOTE: Beware of the Lightning attack. Very strong.

#128 King Lizard

Level: 33

HP: 1560
Gil: 620
EXP: 3280
Weakness: Lightning
Att: 68
Def: 25
Location: Temple of Time
Drops: Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down

#129 Pterodactyl

Level: 33

HP: 1570
Gil: 640
EXP: 3280
Weakness: Wind
Att: 68
Def: 25
Location: Temple of Time (Lute room)
Drops: Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down

#130 Wyvern

Level: 36

HP: 1825
Gil: 1300
EXP: 6000
Weakness: Wind
Att: 78
Def: 26
Location: Temple of Time
Drops: Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down

#131 Behemoth

Level: 37

HP: 12650
Gil: 4668
EXP: 6900
Weakness: 84
Att: 84
Def: 26
Location: Temple of Time
Drops: Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down

Note: Run from these if the Chimera Mages give you trouble.

#132 King Seahorse

Level: 33

HP: 1405
Gil: 680
EXP: 3600
Weakness: Lightning
Att: 68
Def: 25
Location: Temple of Time
Drops: Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down

#133 Dragon

Level: 38

HP: 11000
Gil: 9000
EXP: 7200
Weakness: None
Att: 85
Def: 26
Location: Temple of Time
Drops: Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down

Note: See #131 Behemoth note.

#134 Pyralis

Level: 37

HP: 6550
Gil: 1760
EXP: 14400
Weakness: Ice, Water
Att: 81
Def: 26
Location: Ancient Ruins
Drops: Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down

#135 Silenus

Level: 35

HP: 2120
Gil: 900
EXP: 1020
Weakness: Dark Blade
Att: 74
Def: 25
Location: Falgabard Cave
Drops: Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down

#136 Gaap

Level: 34

HP: 1800
Gil: 623
EXP: 1020
Weakness: Dark Blade
Att: 73
Def: 25
Location: Falgabard Cave
Drops: Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down

#137 Azrael

Level: 34

HP: 1950
Gil: 640
EXP: 1020
Weakness: Dark Blade
Att: 73
Def: 25
Location: Dark Blade
Drops: Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down

#138 Eater

Level: 35

HP: 2700
Gil: 945
EXP: 1020
Weakness: Dark Blade
Att: 74
Def: 25
Location: Falgabard Cave; Sunken Cave (protecting chest)
Drops: Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down

#139 Ouroboros

Level: 36

HP: 2660
Gil: 1300
EXP: 7200
Weakness: Lightning
Att: 81
Def: 26
Location: Lake Dohr
Drops: Gold Needle

#140 Plancti

Level: 35

HP: 2260
Gil: 1223
EXP: 7200
Weakness: Lightning
Att: 76
Def: 26
Location: Lake Dohr
Drops: Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down

#141 Sea Lion

Level: 35

HP: 2275
Gil: 1325
EXP: 7600
Weakness: Lightning
Att: 76
Def: 26
Location: Lake Dohr
Drops: Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down

#142 Remora

Level: 36

HP: 2720
Gil: 1354
EXP: 7600
Weakness: Lightning
Att: 81
Def: 26
Location: Lake Dohr
Drops: Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down

#143 Grenade

Level: 36

HP: 2305
Gil: 1400
EXP: 7600
Weakness: Ice, Water
Att: 82
Def: 26
Location: Bahamut's Lair
Drops: Hi-Potion, Bomb Arm, Tranquilizer, Silence Seal, Lilth's Kiss

#144 Drake

Level: 37

HP: 3260
Gil: 1650
EXP: 7600
Weakness: Wind
Att: 83
Def: 26
Location: Bahamut's Lair
Drops: Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down

Note: #143 and #144 are great high-level grind monsters.

#145 Greater Boros

Level: 37

HP: 3280
Gil: 1700
EXP: 7600
Weakness: Lightning
Att: 83
Def: 26
Location: Bahamut's Lair
Drops: Gold Needle

#146 Sabertooth Liger

Level: 37

HP: 3300
Gil: 1800
EXP: 7600
Weakness: None
Att: 83
Def: 26
Location: Bahamut's Lair
Drops: Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down

#147 Queen Lamia

Level: 39

HP: 7200
Gil: 4400
EXP: 12000
Weakness: None
Att: 86
Def: 27
Location: Bahamut's Lair
Drops: Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down

#148 Zombie Dragon

Level: 41

HP: 11000
Gil: 2880
EXP: 15000
Weakness: Light
Att: 90
Def: 27
Location: Ancient Ruins
Drops: Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down

#149 Death Claw

Level: 38

HP: 3800
Gil: 680
EXP: 7500
Weakness: None
Att: 85
Def: 26
Location: Cave of Shadows
Drops: Hi-Potion, Black Hole, Lilith's Kiss, Raven's Yawn, Shining Curtain,
Shell Breaker, Black Mush, Chocobo's Wrath

#150 Hellish Horse

Level: 38

HP: 4360
Gil: 690
EXP: 8000
Weakness: None
Att: 87
Def: 26
Location: Cave of Shadows
Drops: Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down

#151 Chronos

Level: 38

HP: 4100
Gil: 320
EXP: 1280
Weakness: Dark Blade
Att: 86
Def: 26
Location: Cave of Shadows
Drops: Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down

#152 Valefor

Level: 38

HP: 4240
Gil: 320
EXP: 1280
Weakness: Dark Blade
Att: 88
Def: 26
Location: Cave of Shadows
Drops: Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down

#153 Haniel

Level: 37

HP: 3400
Gil: 1450
EXP: 1280
Weakness: Dark Blade
Att: 82
Def: 26
Location: Cave of Shadows
Drops: Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down

#154 Vassago

Level: 38

HP: 4440
Gil: 320
EXP: 1280
Weakness: Dark Blade
Att: 88
Def: 26
Location: Cave of Shadows
Drops: Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down

#155 Peryton

Level: 41

HP: 9650
Gil: 2400
EXP: 9600
Weakness: Wind
Att: 92
Def: 27
Location: Doga's Grotto
Drops: Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down

#156 Ogre

Level: 39

HP: 5680
Gil: 950
EXP: 6800
Weakness: None
Att: 93
Def: 26
Location: Doga's Grotto
Drops: Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down

#157 Cyclops

Level: 39

HP: 4700
Gil: 1000
EXP: 6800
Weakness: None
Att: 91
Def: 26
Location: Doga's Grotto
Drops: Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down

#158 Nemesis

Level: 39

HP: 4720
Gil: 1050
EXP: 6800
Weakness: Fire
Att: 89
Def: 26
Location: Doga's Grotto
Drops: Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down

#159 Humbaba

Level: 39

HP: 6740
Gil: 1100
EXP: 6800
Weakness: None
Att: 91
Def: 26
Location: Doga's Grotto
Drops: Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down

#160 Death Needle

Level: 40

HP: 4060
Gil: 1550
EXP: 6400
Weakness: None
Att: 91
Def: 28
Location: Forest area; Surface World
Drops: Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down

#161 Liger

Level: 41

HP: 5870
Gil: 1200
EXP: 6400
Weakness: None
Att: 92
Def: 28
Location: ?, Surface World
Drops: Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down

#162 Aeon

Level: 43

HP: 10060
Gil: 3200
EXP: 10200
Weakness: None
Att: 98
Def: 28
Location: Desert area; Aurface World
Drops: Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down

#163 Minotaur

Level: 41

HP: 5960
Gil: 1640
EXP: 6800
Weakness: None
Att: 93
Def: 28
Location: Desert area; Surface World
Drops: Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down

#164 Iron Claws

Level: 41

HP: 5760
Gil: 2000
EXP: 7600
Weakness: None
Att: 93
Def: 28
Location: Ancient's Maze
Drops: Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down

#165 Greater Demon

Level: 42

HP: 10750
Gil: 4800
EXP: 11400
Weakness: Light
Att: 97
Def: 28
Location: Ancient's Maze
Drops: Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down

#166 Unei's Clone

Level: 42

HP: 10000
Gil: 8500
EXP: 14400
Weakness: None
Att: 96
Def: 28
Location: Ancient's Maze
Drops: None

#167 Thanatos

Level: 42

HP: 11800
Gil: 5000
EXP: 11400
Weakness: None
Att: 98
Def: 28
Location: Ancient's Maze
Drops: Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down

#168 Bone Dragon

Level: 43

HP: 14000
Gil: 7800
EXP: 11400
Weakness: Light
Att: 95
Def: 28
Location: Ancient's Maze
Drops: Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down

#169 King Behemoth

Level: 50

HP: 45000
Gil: 10800
EXP: 15200
Weakness: None
Att: 112
Def: 28
Location: Ancient's Maze
Drops: Elixer, Protect Ring

#170 Abaia

Level: 42

HP: 6970
Gil: 2700
EXP: 8000
Weakness: None
Att: 93
Def: 29
Location: Eureka
Drops: Hi-Potion, Heavenly Wrath, Tranquilizer, Shining Curtain, Chocobo's
Wrath, Black Musk

#171 Sleipnir

Level: 43

HP: 7000
Gil: 2800
EXP: 8000
Weakness: None
Att: 94
Def: 29
Location: Eureka
Drops: Hi-Potion, Heavenly Wrath, Tranquilizer, Shining Curtain, Chocobo's
Wrath, Black Musk

#172 Haokah

Level: 43

HP: 7200
Gil: 2900
EXP: 8000
Weakness: None
Att: 93
Def: 29
Location: Eureka
Drops: Hi-Potion, Heavenly Wrath, Tranquilizer, Shining Curtain, Chocobo's
Wrath, Black Musk

#173 Acheron

Level: 44

HP: 13600
Gil: 6600
EXP: 12000
Weakness: None
Att: 102
Def: 29
Location: Eureka
Drops: Hi-Potion, Heavenly Wrath, Tranquilizer, Shining Curtain, Chocobo's
Wrath, Black Musk

#174 Oceanus

Level: 44

HP: 13200
Gil: 6800
EXP: 12600
Weakness: None
Att: 100
Def: 29
Location: Eureka
Drops: Hi-Potion, Heavenly Wrath, Tranquilizer, Shining Curtain, Chocobo's
Wrath, Black Musk

#175 Gomory

Level: 45

HP: 19976
Gil: 7000
EXP: 12600
Weakness: None
Att: 98
Def: 29
Location: Crystal Tower
Drops: Hi-Potion, Black Hole, Lilith's Kiss, Raven's Yawn, Shining Curtain,
Shell Breaker, Black Musk, Chocobo's Wrath

#176 Bluck

Level: 44

HP: 6720
Gil: 1655
EXP: 8400
Weakness: None
Att: 94
Def: 29
Location: Crystal Tower
Drops: Hi-Potion, Black Hole, Lilith's Kiss, Raven's Yawn, Shining Curtain,
Shell Breaker, Black Musk, Chocobo's Wrath

#177 Doga's Clone

Level: 45

HP: 18500
Gil: 5000
EXP: 16000
Weakness: None
Att: 96
Def: 29
Location: Crystal Tower
Drops: None

#178 Azer

Level: 45

HP: 17560
Gil: 7400
EXP: 13200
Weakness: Ice, Water
Att: 106
Def: 30
Location: Crystal Tower
Drops: Hi-Potion, Black Hole, Lilith's Kiss, Raven's Yawn, Shining Curtain,
Shell Breaker, Black Musk, Chocobo's Wrath

#179 Platinal

Level: 47

HP: 19976
Gil: 7600
EXP: 13200
Weakness: None
Att: 107
Def: 30
Location: Crystal Tower
Drops: Hi-Potion, Black Hole, Lilith's Kiss, Raven's Yawn, Shining Curtain,
Shell Breaker, Black Musk, Chocobo's Wrath

#180 Kum Kum

Level: 46

HP: 9600
Gil: 3600
EXP: 8800
Weakness: None
Att: 84
Def: 30
Location: Crystal Tower
Drops: Hi-Potion, Black Hole, Lilith's Kiss, Raven's Yawn, Shining Curtain,
Shell Breaker, Black Musk, Chocobo's Wrath

Note: Powerful offensive magic.

#181 Shinobi

Level: 46

HP: 11000
Gil: 3700
EXP: 8800
Weakness: None
Att: 102
Def: 30
Location: Crystal Tower
Drops: Hi-Potion, Black Hole, Lilith's Kiss, Raven's Yawn, Shining Curtain,
Shell Breaker, Black Musk, Chocobo's Wrath

#182 Shadow Master

Level: 46

HP: 10000
Gil: 3800
EXP: 8800
Weakness: None
Att: 100
Def: 30
Location: World of Darkness
Drops: Hi-Potion, Black Hole, Lilith's Kiss, Raven's Yawn, Shining Curtain,
Shell Breaker, Black Musk, Chocobo's Wrath

#183 Kage

Level: 47

HP: 12000
Gil: 3900
EXP: 9200
Weakness: None
Att: 104
Def: 30
Location: World of Darkness
Drops: Hi-Potion, Black Hole, Lilith's Kiss, Raven's Yawn, Shining Curtain,
Shell Breaker, Black Musk, Chocobo's Wrath

#184 Dark General

Level: 48

HP: 20000
Gil: 8600
EXP: 13800
Weakness: None
Att: 110
Def: 30
Location: Crystal Tower
Drops: Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down

#185 Yellow Dragon

Level: 50

HP: 79999
Gil: 12000
EXP: 30000
Weakness: None
Att: 107
Def: 40
Location: Crystal Tower; ??? Cave
Drops: Elixer, Onion Shield, Onion Helm, Onion Sword

#186 Green Dragon

Level: 60

HP: 89999
Gil: 13330
EXP: 45000
Weakness: None
Att: 129
Def: 45
Location: Crystal Tower; ??? Cave
Drops: Elixer, Onion Shield, Onion Gauntlets, Onion Sword

#187 Red Dragon

Level: 70

HP: 99999
Gil: 14666
EXP: 60000
Weakness: None
Att: 150
Def: 50
Location: Crystal Tower; ??? Cave
Drops: Elixer, Onion Shield, Onion Armor, Onion Sword

Note: Very high physical offensive power.

#188 Glasya Labolas

Level: 52

HP: 22800
Gil: 8400
EXP: 13800
Weakness: None
Att: 112
Def: 31
Location: Crystal Tower
Drops: Hi-Potion, Black Hole, Lilith's Kiss, Raven's Yawn, Shining Curtain,
Shell Breaker, Black Musk, Chocobo's Wrath

Note: Punches have a high Confusion rate.

#189 Yormungand

Level: 52

HP: 30560
Gil: 8800
EXP: 13800
Weakness: None
Att: 134
Def: 31
Location: World of Darkness
Drops: Hi-Potion, Black Hole, Lilith's Kiss, Raven's Yawn, Shining Curtain,
Shell Breaker, Black Musk, Chocobo's Wrath

#190 Thor

Level: 50

HP: 12540
Gil: 4000
EXP: 9600
Weakness: None
Att: 105
Def: 30
Location: World of Darkness
Drops: Hi-Potion, Heavenly Wrath, Tranquilizer, Shining Curtain, Chocobo's
Wrath, Black Musk

#191 Hecatoncheir

Level: 43

HP: 28000
Gil: 8000
EXP: 14400
Weakness: None
Att: 89
Def: 32
Location: Ancient's Maze
Drops: Hi-Potion, Black Hole, Lilith's Kiss, Raven's Yawn, Shining Curtain,
Shell Breaker, Black Musk, Chocobo's Wrath

#192 Hydra

Level: 63

HP: 33800
Gil: 8500
EXP: 14400
Weakness: None
Att: 123
Def: 32
Location: World of Darkness
Drops: Hi-Potion, Arctic Wind, Turtle Shell, Black Hole, Raven's Yawn

#193 Queen Scylla

Level: 52

HP: 34760
Gil: 6700
EXP: 14400
Weakness: None
Att: 107
Def: 32
Location: World of Darkness
Drops: Hi-Potion, Black Hole, Lilith's Kiss, Raven's Yawn, Shining Curtain,
Shell Breaker, Black Musk, Chocobo's Wrath

#194 Garm

Level: 52

HP: 19960
Gil: 6700
EXP: 14400
Weakness: None
Att: 107
Def: 32
Location: World of Darkness
Drops: Hi-Potion, Black Hole, Lilith's Kiss, Raven's Yawn, Shining Curtain,
Shell Breaker, Black Musk, Chocobo's Wrath

#195 Twin Dragon

Level: 54

HP: 34920
Gil: 11000
EXP: 15000
Weakness: None
Att: 131
Def: 32
Location: World of Darkness
Drops: Hi-Potion, Black Hole, Lilith's Kiss, Raven's Yawn, Shining Curtain,
Shell Breaker, Black Musk, Chocobo's Wrath

B. Bosses

#196 Land Turtle

Level: 4

HP: 111
Gil: 500
EXP: 20
Weakness: None
Att: 131
Def: 32
Location: Altar Cave
Drops: Potion, Antarctic Wind, Bacchus's Cider, Arctic Wind

#197 Djinn

Level: 7

HP: 600
Gil: 1400
EXP: 200
Weakness: Ice, Water
Att: 20
Def: 6
Location: Sealed Cave
Drops: Potion, Bomb Fragment, Sheep Pillow, Lamia Scale, Bomb Arm

Note: Use all your Antarctic Winds.

#198 Nepto Dragon

Level: ?

HP: ?
Gil: ?
EXP: ?
Weakness: ?
Att: ?
Def: ?
Location: Sea by Viking Hideout; Floating Continent
Drops: None

Note: Rumors say he is beatable. Until this is proven, he is invincible.

#199 Giant Rat

Level: 11

HP: 900
Gil: 1500
EXP: 1200
Weakness: None
Att: 24
Def: 29
Location: Nepto Temple
Drops: Potion, Bomb Fragment, Antarctic Wind, Zeus's Wrath, Silence Seal,
Tranquilizer, Angel's Sigh

#200 Medusa

Level: 17

HP: 3000
Gil: 2600
EXP: 2600
Weakness: None
Att: 35
Def: 22
Location: Tower of Owen
Drops: Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down

Note: Her Stare move can turn you into stone.

#201 Gutsco

Level: 17

HP: 3500
Gil: 3500
EXP: 2304
Weakness: None
Att: 35
Def: 24
Location: Subterranean Lake
Drops: Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down

Note: Don't mind the laggy shadow.

#202 Salamander

Level: 19

HP: 5700
Gil: 3700
EXP: 2304
Weakness: Ice, Water
Att: 41
Def: 25
Location: Molten Cave
Drops: Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down

Note: Play to his weaknesses

#203 Hein

Level: 22

HP: 4500
Gil: 4300
EXP: 3464
Weakness: Changes
Att: 47
Def: 26
Location: Hein's Castle
Drops: Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down

Note: A scholar is semi-useful here for its Study ability.

#204 Kraken

Level: 24

HP: 8000
Gil: 5500
EXP: 5280
Weakness: Lightning
Att: 55
Def: 27
Location: Cave of Tides
Drops: Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down

#205 Goldor

Level: 26

HP: 9000
Gil: 9900
EXP: 6560
Weakness: None
Att: 53
Def: 27
Location: Goldor Manor
Drops: Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down

#206 Garuda

Level: 28

HP: 10000
Gil: 10200
EXP: 8800
Weakness: Wind
Att: 57
Def: 29
Location: Castle Saronia
Drops: Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down

Note: Dragoons really shine in this battle.

#207 Odin

Level: 40

HP: 31000
Gil: 16800
EXP: 20000
Weakness: None
Att: 81
Def: 35
Location: Saronia Catacombs
Drops: Elixer, Gungir

Note: Gungir is one of the most powerful Dragoons weapons in the game.

#208 Leviathan

Level: 42

HP: 32000
Gil: 17100
EXP: 20000
Weakness: Lightning
Att: 85
Def: 36
Location: Lake Dohr
Drops: Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down

Note: Defeat him quickly.

#209 Bahamut

Level: 45

HP: 34000
Gil: 16500
EXP: 20000
Weakness: Wind
Att: 90
Def: 37
Location: Bahamut's Lair
Drops: Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down

#210 Doga

Level: 45

HP: 22800
Gil: 12000
EXP: 13600
Weakness: None
Att: 89
Def: 40
Location: Doga's Grotto
Drops: Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down

#211 Unei

Level: 44

HP: 21800
Gil: 12600
EXP: 16000
Weakness: None
Att: 89
Def: 40
Location: Doga's Grotto
Drops: Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down

#212 Titan

Level: 46

HP: 29000
Gil: 13500
EXP: 27600
Weakness: None
Att: 96
Def: 44
Location: Cave of Shadows
Drops: Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down

#213 Ninja

Level: 47

HP: 24000
Gil: 14400
EXP: 28400
Weakness: None
Att: 96
Def: 46
Location: Eureka
Drops: Hi-Potion, Black Hole, Lilith's Kiss, Raven's Yawn, Shining Curtain,
Shell Breaker, Black Musk, Chocobo's Wrath

#214 Amon

Level: 48

HP: 33500
Gil: 20350
EXP: 26800
Weakness: None
Att: 96
Def: 46
Location: Eureka
Drops: Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down

#215 Kunoichi

Level: 48

HP: 29000
Gil: 14500
EXP: 29200
Weakness: None
Att: 96
Def: 46
Location: Eureka
Drops: Hi-Potion, Black Hole, Lilith's Kiss, Raven's Yawn, Shining Curtain,
Shell Breaker, Black Musk, Chocobo's Wrath

#216 General

Level: 48

HP: 35000
Gil: 15600
EXP: 30000
Weakness: None
Att: 105
Def: 46
Location: Eureka
Drops: Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down

#217 Guardian

Level: 49

HP: 33700
Gil: 16500
EXP: 31600
Weakness: None
Att: 107
Def: 46
Location: Eureka
Drops: Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down

#218 Scylla

Level: 49

HP: 35000
Gil: 16200
EXP: 10800
Weakness: None
Att: 104
Def: 46
Location: Eureka
Drops: Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down

#219 Xande

Level: 50

HP: 49999
Gil: 250000
EXP: 34000
Weakness: None
Att: 110
Def: 48
Location: Crystal Tower
Drops: Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down

#220 Xande's Clone

Level: 49

HP: 39000
Gil: 15000
EXP: 24800
Weakness: None
Att: 109
Def: 45
Location: World of Darkness
Drops: None

#221 Cerberus

Level: 55

HP: 99999
Gil: 66666
EXP: 66666
Weakness: None
Att: 123
Def: 46
Location: World of Darkness
Drops: Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down

Note: He attacks three times per round.

#222 Two-Headed Dragon

Level: 55

HP: 99999
Gil: 66666
EXP: 66666
Weakness: None
Att: 151
Def: 46
Location: World of Darkness
Drops: Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down

#223 Echidna

Level: 55

HP: 99999
Gil: 66666
EXP: 66666
Weakness: None
Att: 117
Def: 46
Location: World of Darkness
Drops: Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down

#224 Ahriman

Level: 55

HP: 99999
Gil: 66666
EXP: 66666
Weakness: Wind
Att: 107
Def: 46
Location: World of Darkness
Drops: Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down

#225 Cloud of Darkness

Level: 60

HP: 120000
Gil: 70000
EXP: 99999
Weakness: None
Att: 120
Def: 55
Location: World of Darkness
Drops: None

Note: Make sure you equip Ribbons to cancel out any status effects.

#226 Iron Giant

Level: 81

HP: 199999
Gil: 99999
EXP: 99999
Weakness: None
Att: 255
Def: 155
Location: Underwater Cave
Drops: None

Note: This boss is only unlockable through means of Wi-Fi. Also, he attacks
four times per round. Better be prepared!

IV. Legal Information

Final Fantasy III (c) 1990, 2006 Square-Enix Co., Ltd.

Enemy Guide (c) 2006 Zach Long

This guide cannot be reproduced for selling
purposes. You may print it out for personal use only.

V. Contact Me

You may contact me with questions, suggestions, or contributions at
[email protected] . Use "FFIII Enemy Guide" as the subject line,

Information I am interested in is specific locations.

VI. Credits

- Thanks to Squeenix for the awesome remake.

- Kudos to my brother Drake for helping me with this guide.

- Props to the makers of the Official Strategy Guide.

- Thanks to Xero Restraint for fixing the location on several monsters.