
Postcard Locations:

1. Use the large crate in the empty lot in the 1st District and push it against the Accessory Shop. Jump onto the crate and then jump up again. You should grab the roof. Once on the roof, go to the left and you should see the chest.
2. In the item shop, target the fan, and jump up and attack it till you receive a postcard.
3. On the awning of the shoe store in the 2nd District.
4. Use the Blue Trinity Mark by the Item Shop.
5. After you learn you can open locks with the Keyblade, unlock the safe behind the counter that is behind the Accessory Shop.
6. Cast Thunder on the broken wire in the 3rd District. Then, head to the Gizmo Shop, defeat all the enemies and then step on all 3 buttons on the upper level. Then, check the clock.
7. Cast Thunder on the broken wire in the 3rd District. Then, head to the Gizmo Shop, defeat all the enemies and then step on all 3 buttons on the upper level. Then, check the clock.
8. Follow the rooftops in the 2nd District and go through what looks like a window that leads to the 3rd District. In the righthand corner of the walkway, there is a postcard.
9. Use the Green Trinity in the Accessory Shop, then check all the flyers in the Item Shop.
10. Check the pots on Geppetto's shelves, one contains a Postcard.